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Lady who told her parents all she wanted for her 30th birthday was pizza, gets flown to Italy to have some(photos)

Lady who told her parents all she wanted for her 30th birthday was pizza, gets flown to Italy to have some(photos)
A lady from Trindidad and Tobago with the twitter name @J_colaa, recently turned 30. As her birthday inched closer, her parents asked her what she wanted as a present and she said Pizza. To her surprise, they booked a ticket for her and flew her to Italy to have the best Pizza. See her tweets and pictures of her in Milan below ...

Lady who told her parents all she wanted for her 30th birthday was pizza, gets flown to Italy to have some(photos)Lady who told her parents all she wanted for her 30th birthday was pizza, gets flown to Italy to have some(photos)Lady who told her parents all she wanted for her 30th birthday was pizza, gets flown to Italy to have some(photos)

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